Partner Journey
by Lyn Turknett
Foundations of Leadership Character by Lyn Turknett
Inside the Foundations of Leadership Character Journey
Driven by research and measured with assessments, the Turknett Group’s Foundations of Leadership Character journey equips you and your team to align your values and actions and create a culture of character. The journey centers around the Turknett Group’s proven Leadership Character Model. Take a look at how this works from the resources here.

Carolyn (Lyn) Turknett, with her husband Bob Turknett, is Co-founder of Turknett Leadership Group. She served as President of the firm for 30 years and now serves as Co-chair and Senior Consultant. The focus of her work is character in leadership, cultural assessment and change, and executive team development. Lyn’s consulting engagements have included leadership and executive team development, organization assessment and change, and individual feedback and coaching. She is particularly interested in helping teams at all levels improve effectiveness and working relationships, helping organizations maximize intellectual capital, and creating cultures that support innovation and initiative.